The envelope filter, also known as “auto-wah,” has been a staple of funk, disco, and other types of music since the ’70s. Let’s take a look into the basics of this effect using the EarthQuaker Devices Spatial Delivery pedal. What is an Envelope Filter? An envelope filter works very similarly to a wah pedal, but […]
Whether it’s the soaring solos of Iron Maiden, the classical prowess of Brian May, or smooth licks from The Allman Brothers Band, harmonized guitar riffs have shaped rock music for the last five decades. Today I’ll be diving into some of the basics of harmonized guitar parts and using pedals to get that same sound. […]
While re-amping used to only be achievable at high-end studios, re-amp boxes have become very affordable and accessible for musicians and home recording enthusiasts alike. All you really need is the re-amp box, an audio interface, and a couple extra cables to get started. What is a Re-amp Box? A re-amp box essentially converts a […]
While it sounds pretty simple and is widely used by guitarists and bassists alike, compression is an effect that is easily misunderstood. Most people know or think they need it, but don’t always know why. Being primarily a utility effect — used to keep signal dynamics under control — compression isn’t really perceived as an […]
There comes a time in every guitarist’s life where carrying around that huge bag of pedals and cables to assemble at every gig becomes too much. Putting together a pedalboard is a great way to organize and transport your pedals while also cutting your set up time down to just a minute or two. Today […]
What does it take to restore an old guitar? A little know-how, some elbow grease, and the right set of tools and equipment can help bring a dusty guitar back to gigging shape. We enlisted one of our resident bloggers and guitar experts, David, to take on the task of restoring an Italia Mondial Classic […]
Loved by many — and mildly perplexing to perhaps the same number of players, — the patiently enduring flanger effect has been found on recordings since the mid-20th century, and at the feet of guitarists since the ’70s. Even though the effect can yield mild, nuanced results, the exaggerated “jet plane” sound is typically what […]
Setting up a rig with two amps really inspired my playing, because nothing else can really capture that sound. While the sound increase isn’t as big as you’d expect, the tone can be transformative. It’s also simple to do, so don’t be afraid to pick up the necessary ingredients to start your path onto new […]
An important idea came up in my previous post about guitar nuts that can be summed up to something like “a good luthier respects the work enough to ask to be paid more for it.” Legendary theme park entrepreneur John Hammond might say “we spared no expense.” Chances are playing and repairing instruments will not […]