When it comes to tuner pedals, most guitarists agree that the absolute most important quality is accuracy. If you can’t trust your tuner, you have nothing. Thankfully, just about any tuner you find today is going to be accurate to a degree of under 1 cent. That’s pretty darn precise — for reference, there are 100 cents between each half-step, […]
Like a lot of other guitarists who gig for art or work, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about which guitar is going to fit my style the best, or how many tube watts will I need to fit in with “x” band. While these pursuits are definitely central to getting your sound right, their […]
You probably didn’t expect the funkiest track you’d hear today would have this much bicycle bell in it. Maybe a little bit, but not this much. Yet artist Rico Loop has created quite the groove in this breathtaking video using just a Boss RC-505 Loop Station and a microphone. Watch as he strolls through what appears to be Berlin’s streets, interacting with (seemingly) […]
Summer NAMM saw the unveiling of tons of exciting new gear – from Boss’ Waza Craft treatment of two classic chorus effects in the new CE-2W, to Fender’s new offset body style electric guitars, to Reverend Guitars’ Jenn Wasner (Wye Oak) signature model — that makes the second half of 2016 all the more exciting […]
Prince might be gone but elsewhere the dissection of his cultural influence still reigns supreme. There are thousands of think pieces, listicles, and gifs competing right now for your moment of thought. If all of this feels overwhelming, join us as we shift our focus onto a much lighter topic. Let’s explore some of the unique gear Prince […]
Earlier in April, a few of us were fortunate enough to visit the Gibson acoustic guitar factory in breathtaking Bozeman, Montana. An extensive tour of each part of the factory commenced, and we were impressed with the amount of elbow grease that goes into making each one of these fine instruments. Trust us — when […]
What is the SubPac? If you haven’t heard the buzz, the SubPac Tactile Bass System is, in short, a device that lets you feel sound — specifically the low end of the sonic spectrum, where bass resides. There are two models of the SubPac currently available: the S2 is a stationary unit meant to be strapped […]
When you’re talking about great guitar tone, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of buzzwords and nostalgia. The word “iconic” gets thrown around a lot, but in the case of Jimi Hendrix, there really isn’t a better term. Hendrix inspired generations of guitarists in his tragically short career, and also expanded the palette […]
We’re always looking for trends at the NAMM show and this year there were quite a few. One big trend we noticed: 2016 is shaping up to be a great year for progressive guitars. Recent and upcoming releases from major players like Fender, Gibson, D’Angelico, and Ernie Ball Music Man are adding hot-rodded parts and upgrades — some […]