Drums drive the rhythm and energy of a track, but getting them to cut through a dense mix without overpowering other elements can be a challenge. Whether you’re mixing a hard-hitting rock track or a tight, modern pop beat, keeping your drums punchy and present requires a balance of EQ, compression, transient shaping, and strategic […]
There is no magic bullet. That’s a point that this piece should get across first and foremost. That being said, learning about what boosting and cutting frequencies can to do to a mix is incredibly important for your engineering skills and satisfaction when recording drums. Any drum recording is only as good as the sum […]
Lauten Audio has pioneered the first-ever FET condenser for miking snare drums! The Lauten Audio Snare Mic offers drummer-friendly options ideal for studio or stage that make sure you always capture the true essence of your beloved snare drum. From its high decibel handling capsule, to its multiple frequency cut options, we’ll take a look […]
We can’t all book out a world-class recording studio, it’s just not possible. But here’s some good news: Universal Audio has made it possible to sound like you’ve just tracked in one of the most legendary live rooms of all time — and it’s affordable for almost anyone! Universal Audio’s Sound City Studios plug-in is […]
Drum Workshop has been an elite, American-made drum and hardware brand for over 50 years. Their artist roster reflects the high-quality approach they take to their kits, and their time in business is a testament to that fact. But before handcrafted DW drum kits began flying off the line, their sole focus was on drum […]
All eras of music teach us lessons about recording, playing, and mixing. When it comes to tracking a drum kit, something changed in the 1950s and early ’60s in Detroit, where the Motown sound was born. Modern recording has migrated from the expensive studio spaces of the past into basements, garages, and bedrooms all over […]
Let’s face it, there are little to no silent nights when you’ve got a drummer in the house. By their very nature, percussion instruments are a loud and disruptive family. But even though the journey to drumming mastery is filled with groans from non-drummers, the payoff is a well rounded musician whose instrument of choice […]
Not everyone has access to a perfect live room with 20-foot ceilings and sound treatment fit for an orchestra. But you don’t necessarily need unlimited space or money to achieve a huge, wide drum sound! Considering you’ve got your close microphones covered, there are a few simple tricks that can elevate your recorded drum sound […]
Let’s face it, we can’t all have microphone lockers filled to the brim with every modern and vintage mic option available. Most of us find a pair of decent overhead mics and stick with them forever, or at least until that sweet, sweet upgrade comes around. Today in studio we’ll be looking at three distinctly […]