Bands like My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, and Lush built the guitar-based, wall-of-noise genre shoegaze into what is it today with their powerful tones. Now with more options than ever before, it’s easy to get lost in the mix of what you need to play a part in this incredible genre. That’s where zZounds experts come in! Watch as Justin, Nick, and Alex discuss their top 3 effects pedals for shoegaze. From fuzz to reverb, modulation to echo, and everything in-between, we’ll give you the rundown on what pedals are working today towards creating the great wall of sound!
Related: Shoegaze-in-a-Box: Catalinbread Soft Focus FX40
Learn how a vintage multi-effects rack unit became Catalinbread’s template for a shoegaze button, and hear it in action! | Read »
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