Bands like My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, and Lush built the guitar-based, wall-of-noise genre shoegaze into what is it today with their powerful tones. Now with more options than ever before, it’s easy to get lost in the mix of what you need to play a part in this incredible genre. That’s where zZounds experts come […]
You know, the more I research Teenage Engineering, the more I picture peeling back an onion. For an instrument company, Teenage Engineering seem to aspire to be more than that. Whether functioning as a pseudo-design house—working for clients like the “Nothing” brand or IKEA, taking on little-known commissions for figures like the late, great fashion […]
If you’ve ever tried to DJ or play an instrument while monitoring your performance on Bluetooth wireless headphones, you’ve likely run into latency issues. That’s why wired headphones have long been the standard for DJing or any monitoring application that requires precise timing. But now that ultra-low-latency wireless headphones like the AIAIAI TMA-2 DJ Wireless, […]
This past October, the zZounds crew had the opportunity to tour the PRS factory in Stevensville, Maryland, about an hour outside Baltimore. During our walkthrough, we received a deep history lesson on the company, factory operations, and Paul Reed Smith himself. We experienced every part of the build process associated with crafting a PRS guitar, […]
A simple request from Idles’ Lee Kiernan for a compact version of EarthQuaker Devices‘ now discontinued Gray Channel has turned into a fuzz-packed, overdrive-heavy, speaker-ripping (simulated), monster named Gary. Gary offers a vast range of dirty tones, and some that aren’t dirty at all. From ripping, phase-shifted fuzz to a clean boost with a little […]
Since its 2018 release, TASCAM’s Model 24 mixer/interface/recorder has proved to be an easy-to-use and pro-sounding solution for multitrack recording. Now, the venerable recording gear maker has followed up their hit with the TASCAM Model 2400. Though it looks similar at first glance to the predecessor, the TASCAM Model 2400 is a beast under the […]
In 1967, Jimi Hendrix performed at the Monterey Pop Festival, where he created one of the defining moments of rock ‘n’ roll history by setting his hand-painted 1965 Strat ablaze. Fast forward to 2019, when Fender commemorated this legendary moment and the guitar itself by releasing the limited edition Monterey Strat which featured a recreation […]
Ever wondered how to pronounce some of the more unusual music gear brand names out there? Here at zZounds, we’ve heard every mispronunciation out there. Here are 12 commonly mispronounced music gear brand names, and our guide to saying them correctly — so you can avoid embarrassing mistakes next time you’re talking gear. This post […]
Zakk Wylde is the powerhouse guitar player for the likes of Ozzy and Black Label Society, as well as the creator of his own gear brand Wylde Audio. Though Wylde Audio boasts a robust product line these days, it wasn’t long ago (2015) that Wylde Audio first started manufacturing guitars and amplifiers. Before that, Zakk […]